Monday, 30 April 2018

Areas to Focus on for the All-Round Development of Children in School

A school is the place where the personality of a child is nurtured and developed. However, a good schooling does not only entail academic learning, it is a process that goes beyond the four walls of a classroom. In order to ensure the all-round growth and development of the students, there are various aspects a school should work towards, apart from providing good quality academic education.

To ensure the all-round development of the children, it is important that that a school focuses on the following areas:
· Life skills: There are certain abilities or expertise a person requires being able to efficiently adapt to the challenges of daily life. These skills also aid a person to interact with others in a positive manner. The various important life skills, such as decision making, critical thinking, self-awareness, assertiveness, problem solving, as well as communication, and social skills should be developed in schools to help the students become a socially aware and productive part of the society. These skills also ensure that the students are able to solve their everyday problems without facing any hassles.
· Creative thinking: A school should stimulate curiosity in the young minds of the children, and equip them with the necessary tools required to utilize their creativity in a productive manner. It is important that a school fosters an environment that encourages innovation, so that the students can expand their horizons. By encouraging creative thinking in schools, teachers can aid the students to channelize their thoughts and ideas into a constructive path.  
· Extra-curricular activities: Participation in extracurricular activities is imperative for the all-round development of a child’s personality. These activities go a long way in developing the physical, moral, cognitive, and emotional faculties of the students. Children can participate in various kinds of extra curricular activities in the school, such as sports, acting, drama, music, etc. Some of the students may even find their hidden talents and passion in these activities.
A child would need capabilities and skills beyond academics to become truly successful in life. Therefore, before admitting your child into a school, it is highly important that you ensure that it focuses on the above-mentioned areas too.